Noah Peters, professionally known as The Singing Barber, bid farewell to American Idol during the first-ever Idol Arena Hollywood Week. Unfortunately, Peters was among the 80 Idol contestants cut (per Gold Derby) from the competition on Sunday evening (March 31) in what was the “biggest cut in Idol history.”
The Singing Barber, Noah Peters, Bids Farewell To American Idol
After his fate was revealed during the Idol broadcast, The viral singing barber took to Instagram to share a photo of himself with his son alongside a heartfelt thank you to Idol and his followers for their support.
“Hollywood week was absolutely amazing. This is not the end, y’all, it’s the [just] beginning,” Peters shared. “Thank you to @americanidol for the awesome experience!”
Peters also took to Facebook, where he admitted that Hollywood “was absolutely amazing” before showcasing gratitude for the relationships his built with the other Idol contestants. “The friendships I made, and the experiences, will stick with me forever! I can’t thank American Idol enough for the opportunity,” he wrote, before teasing that his Idol journey may be coming to an end, “But make no mistake singing barber fans… we’re just getting started. “
80 Contestants Eliminated From American Idol During Hollywood Week
In addition to Noah Peters, Conall Gorman, Kyra, Abby Blake, Bethany Teague, Meggie Iyer, Madai Chakell, Kimi, CJ Rislove, Jacy Matthews and other Idol favorites were also cut from the show, leaving 56 remaining contestants moving forward to the Showstoppers Round.
The Showstoppers Round airs on Monday evening (April 1) and will narrow the Idol hopefuls down to the Top 24, according to Gold Derby.
Who Is Noah Peters? Meet The Singing Barber
Noah Peters first went viral on TikTok as “The Singing Barber.” He took social media by storm with his viral TikToks that have amassed millions of views, where he sings while cutting people’s hair, and now he made an even bigger name for himself on American Idol.
Re-Live Noah Peter’s Unforgettable Idol Audition
Peters’ American Idol audition left a lasting impression on Idol judges Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan with his unforgettable performance. The 24-year-old Tennessee native wowed the Idol judges with his stunning covers of Rascal Flatts’ “I Won’t Let Go” and Chris Stapleton’s “Broken Halos.”
“You’ve got some sweetness to your voice, some soul, some purity,” Katy Perry gushed at the time, while Lionel Richie added, “You have a quality in your voice. That’s fantastic.” Meanwhile, Luke Bryan complimented his effort approach to singing, “Wow, there you go, singing with ease.”
At the time, he ultimately earned three ‘yes’ votes from Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan, and earned a golden ticket to advance to Hollywood week. Following his extraordinary American Idol audition, Noah Peters (also known as The Singing Barber) opened up about how “excited” his is for this life-changing opportunity.
“When you’re from a small town and nothing really happens, singing in front of big stars is a whole nother ball game for me. My life’s going to change is pretty nerve-wracking. But I’m so excited for this!”
During his audition, which quickly went viral on social media, former Idol finalist Colin Stough returned to the show for a surprise appearance and a haircut from The Singing Barber on national television.
Follow Noah Peters (The Singing Barber) on TikTok and Instagram to stay up-to-date with his career.