Caleb Kennedy, who appeared on season 19 of American Idol in 2021, appeared before a judge on Thursday (March 10) for an emergency bond hearing and was denied bond for the third time.
The latest development in the case comes after Kennedy was arrested and charged with a felony DUI resulting in death on Tuesday (Feb. 8).
During Thursday’s bond hearing, the 17-year-old’s attorney, Ryan Beasley, brought forth medical records from the day of the incident showing Kennedy’s blood alcohol and urine results. However, the full toxicology report has yet to become available.
Since the toxicology report was unavailable, Circuit Court Judge, Daniel Hall, refused to set Kennedy’s bond as the condition given to him were not met.
The family of the late victim, Larry Duane Parris, 54, was also present in the courtroom on Thursday.

Parris’ wife Donna, and daughter, Kelsi Harvell, were overcome with emotions as they pleaded for Judge Hall to deny Kennedy’s bond.
“The only reason we are here is because this man made a conscious decision to put something into his body and then consciously got into a vehicle knowing he didn’t need to be driving and came down a dead-end road and came into my driveway,” Parris’ widow said. “I don’t think he should be allowed to get out and take a chance of doing that to somebody else.”
“For a month now, I’ve laid down and closed my eyes and closed my eyes only to see the same things over, and over, again,” Harvell added. “My daddy laying in his own shop, moaning and groaning, with a complete stranger.”
“Nothing’s changed between Feb. 8 and today, so why are we even here?” Harvell asked.
Beasley also revealed during the court hearing that Kennedy was wearing a yellow jumpsuit, rather than the typical orange one, as he has been placed on suicide watch.
“Caleb is a minor and he’s being given Prozac,” Beasley said. “And the jail wants to give him more Prozac, but he’s still having the same symptoms that are described at the scene of this accident: blacking out, dizziness and his family, they are obviously worried.”
Beasley also claimed that the Idol alum was not getting the proper care from detention center medical staff.
The “Raised On Dirt” singer is being tried as an adult and, if convicted, Kennedy will face a sentence of up to 25 years in prison and fines.
The 17-year-old was reportedly driving just south of Pacolet, South Carolina on West Murph Road in Spartanburg County around 12:40 pm when his 2011 Ford pickup went into a private drive and reportedly struck a man.
Parris was rushed to the hospital with injuries after Kennedy struck a detached garage with Parris inside on February 8. Parris was later pronounced dead by The Spartanburg County Coroner’s Office at the hospital around 3:45 p.m that afternoon.
Kennedy, who was traveling North on West Murph Road, also sustained injuries and was taken to Spartanburg Medical Center, Master Trooper Mitchell Ridgeway said.
At the time of the crash, it was reported that Kennedy had alcohol in his system, however, blood work revealed that no signs of alcohol were present in his system at the time of the crash.
“There was a trace amount of THC in Kennedy’s urine but said he was not under the influence of marijuana at the time of the crash,” according to Beasley, via FOX Carolina.
The full toxicology report could take up to six months to become available.
A trial date has yet to be set.