Brittany Aldean Mourns The Tragic Loss Of Former Classmate: “She Was Such A Bright Light”

“Samantha passed away, and her husband is now fighting for his life,” Brittany wrote in her Instagram stories.


Maren Angus-Coombs

Maren Angus-Coombs was raised in Nashville and grew up around music television production. Her late father, Steve, owned a fleet of mobile production trucks, directed music videos and produced various live music shows. Music is somewhat of a family business, Her grandfather, Allan Angus, directed “The Johnny Cash Show.” Angus-Coombs has served as an audio assistant on several CMA Awards and CMA Fest productions. She’s also a sports writer and currently resides in Omaha, Nebraska with her husband and stepdaughter.

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Posted on May 3, 2023

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Brittany Aldean; Photo Courtesy of Instagram

Samantha Miller and Aric Hutchinson left their wedding reception in South Carolina on April 28 looking to starting the next chapter of their lives as husband and wife.

The newlyweds were driven away from their wedding celebrations on the back of a golf cart when an alleged drunk driver, named Jamie Lee Komoroski, slammed into them at 65 mph. According to the Associated Press, the speed limit was 25 mph.

Miller, 34, died in the wreck and her husband, Hutchinson, was critically injured and remains in serious condition.

Jason Aldean’s Wife Brittany Aldean Is Mourning The Loss Of Her Former Classmate

Brittany Aldean, wife of country music artist Jason Aldean, took to social media after hearing the news that her former classmate was tragically killed by an alleged drunk driver.

“On what should’ve been one of the happiest days of their lives, they were hit by a drink driver immediately following their wedding reception,” Aldean wrote in an Instagram story. “Samantha passed away, and her husband is now fighting for his life. I went to school with Sam, and she was such a bright light. Always sweet, happy and such a joy to be around. This news is absolutely heartbreaking. Every prayer for their families are needed during this horrific time.”

Photo Courtesy of Brittany Aldean/Instagram
Photo Courtesy of Brittany Aldean/Instagram

Brittany Aldean Also Took A Stance Against Drunk Driving

Brittany Aldean linked the GoFundMe page and then continued to take a stance against drunk driving on her next post.

“There is no need to drink and drive,” safe wrote. “We have so many options these days. Uber, Lyft, taxis, friends, family. IT’S NOT WORTH IT. Not only can you ruin your life, but you put so many others at risk. Please think (praying emoji).”

Photo Courtesy of Brittany Aldean/Instagram
Photo Courtesy of Brittany Aldean/Instagram

GoFundMe Was Created By Aric’s Mother

Hutchinson’s mother, Annette, created the fundraising page for her son and daughter-in-law. She detailed the accident by saying the golf cart was thrown over 100 yards and rolled several times.

Her son “has had one of two reconstruction surgeries, numerous broken bones, and a brain injury, he will have a long recovery.”

Her son-in-law Benjamin Garrett and grandson Brogan Garrett were escorting the couple in the golf cart. They were also injured.

“I was handed Aric’s wedding ring in a plastic bag at the hospital, five hours after Sam placed it on his finger and they read each other their vows,” the mother of the groom wrote on the GoFundMe page. “Aric has lost the love of his life. The fundraiser will help pay for Sam’s burial and medical costs for Aric and his family.”

“A Wife Died In Her Wedding Dress Because Someone Made A Terrible Decision”

The couple lived in Utah, his home state, and South Carolina. The bride was from North Carolina. 

Miller’s sister, Mani Jenkins, told NBC News in a package that aired on the TODAY show Tuesday, “A sister, a daughter, a wife, died in her wedding dress because someone made a terrible decision. From the moment she woke up that day until she left the venue, she told Eric on the golf cart that she wanted this day to last forever. He told us that at the hospital when we saw him.”

Driver Has Been Charged

Online court records state that Komoroski has been charged with one count of reckless homicide and three counts of felony DUI resulting in great bodily harm.

“Her blood draw results are pending. An investigation into the crash determined she was going 65 mph at the time she struck the cart,” police told local Charleston news station WYFF.

As of Wednesday evening, the GoFundMe has raised more than $620,000 with more 16,000 donations. The original goal was set for $100,000.

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Written by

Maren Angus-Coombs was raised in Nashville and grew up around music television production. Her late father, Steve, owned a fleet of mobile production trucks, directed music videos and produced various live music shows. Music is somewhat of a family business, Her grandfather, Allan Angus, directed “The Johnny Cash Show.” Angus-Coombs has served as an audio assistant on several CMA Awards and CMA Fest productions. She’s also a sports writer and currently resides in Omaha, Nebraska with her husband and stepdaughter.

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